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Dr. Jeffrey Fortgang

My Practice

It’s important that you feel comfortable with your therapist, able to be open and genuine. Here as some aspects of my therapeutic stance:

Integrating aspects of

      - Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
      - Psychodynamic Therapy (impact of life experiences)
      - 12-Step and Other Self-Help Groups
      - Information (e.g., on newer forms of treatment)

Practical approach

Active and interactive in sessions

Adults only

I do not prescribe medications, but having worked for years in hospital settings I can help you understand your options if you are considering them.

Confidentiality: What we discuss in therapy is private and confidential, unless you decide to provide written request or consent, or to involve someone else in our sessions. The only exceptions have to do with physical danger to self or others, or in the rare case of a court order.  


Over the years, I've put together an extensive list of links to informational resources (topics including depression, substance abuse/recovery, family issues, stress management, and more) on the web site of LCL, my half-time job (now greatly augmented by LCL staff).  Rather than re-invent them here, simply click here to review them on the LCL web site.
